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职位: 1

职位: 1
嗨,我女儿要上三年级了。她是12月出生的,是班上年龄最小的。在一年级开始的时候,她读的是一年级的书。她有进步。在一年级和二年级的时候,她得到了额外的阅读支持,我在家也和她一起工作。我觉得她已经学会了通过辨认完整的单词和读出单词来阅读,但我不能100%确定。当她阅读时,她有时会略去一些小词,但这让我很沮丧,因为我知道这些词她都能读懂,例如,in, the。在其他时候,她会说一个错误的小词。我还发现,她有时会添加一个对她有意义的词,但它不在页面上。我让她在阅读时用手指追踪单词。 I tell her to read the author's words that are on the page and not to insert her own words. If she makes a mistake I point to the word that she has left out or read incorrectly and she reads it properly. When I do this, she gets annoyed because I'm stopping the flow of the story and correcting her. Should I be pointing out her errors? Sometimes I let a few go by, so neither of us gets frustrated. I would like some strategies to help my daughter improve as I want her to enjoy reading and feel good about reading. Currently, I think she is Level 20. She likes the Eerie Elementary Series and she usually reads a chapter to me a day.
Helenann Steensen, fontas & Pinnell咨询公司
Helenann Steensen, fontas & Pinnell咨询公司
职位: 976.

嗨,我女儿要上三年级了。她是12月出生的,是班上年龄最小的。在一年级开始的时候,她读的是一年级的书。她有进步。在一年级和二年级的时候,她得到了额外的阅读支持,我在家也和她一起工作。我觉得她已经学会了通过辨认完整的单词和读出单词来阅读,但我不能100%确定。当她阅读时,她有时会略去一些小词,但这让我很沮丧,因为我知道这些词她都能读懂,例如,in, the。在其他时候,她会说一个错误的小词。我还发现,她有时会添加一个对她有意义的词,但它不在页面上。我让她在阅读时用手指追踪单词。 I tell her to read the author's words that are on the page and not to insert her own words. If she makes a mistake I point to the word that she has left out or read incorrectly and she reads it properly. When I do this, she gets annoyed because I'm stopping the flow of the story and correcting her. Should I be pointing out her errors? Sometimes I let a few go by, so neither of us gets frustrated. I would like some strategies to help my daughter improve as I want her to enjoy reading and feel good about reading. Currently, I think she is Level 20. She likes the Eerie Elementary Series and she usually reads a chapter to me a day.

首先,祝贺你每晚都能和女儿一起读书!阅读过程的关键部分是阅读的意义。这将帮助她获得最大的动力。因此,我建议你们就她正在读的内容进行一些对话。你可能会问,在读了几页书或读了一章之后,她到目前为止学到了什么。当她阅读时,如果被替换的单词保留了意思:例如,a代替了the,我就不会打断她。如果意思改变了,我会给她一个改正错误的机会,让她读到句子的最后,然后说:“有些地方不太对,你能改正它吗?”或者再读一遍,看看你是否正确。”这让她有机会回去搜索文本,甚至鼓励她更仔细地阅读。你可以接着问这句话是如何改变意思的。 We want her to learn to more consistently self monitor her reading rather than having someone else monitor for her.Having her point to each word at this stage will not necessarily cause her to read with more accuracy and can inhibit understanding. Finally, I would encourage you to ask her teacher what she is noticing and what she would suggest you do to continue to help your daughter.


Helenann Steensen,官方fontas & Pinnell顾问公司,海涅曼

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